Delaware Law School Juris Doctorate Degree in Memoriam

A very heartfelt Thank you to Delaware law school for awarding Garret an In Memoriam JD degree. Garret was awarded a full scholarship to attend this law school and had made many plans to get involved in various organizations and activities.  He could not wait to begin this journey and begin his love of the …

Widener Law School Dedication

We would like to express our deep gratitude to The Delaware Law School Bar Association for organizing a beautiful memorial in honor of our boy Garret David Christino.  The Law School Administration partnered with the Student Bar Association to dedicate a bench and to plant a tree which sits on the main green at Delaware …

Plaque Dedication University of Delaware

Garret made the most of his experience during his time at University of Delaware. The 4 years Garret spent earning his degree with majors in Criminal Justice and Psychology and minors in Spanish and legal studies were also spent contributing and leading in organizations that connected with his many interests. On December 5, 2021 a …